Week 5 in the books.
While the weight loss over the last seven days was minimal (.4lbs lost) – I still am happy with my overall progress. (Down 14.0 lbs since March 29th and avg of 2.8lb/week)
I know my caloric intake remains well in control as I am not eating nearly as much as I use to. I’ve mentioned this before but evening snacking was where I use to get in at least 40% of my overall calories – and they were rarely healthy cals. Salty and sweet I needed both – and it was mindless snacking while watching TV or movies.
Since being on these meds, I’ve rarely had anything to eat after dinner. The desire is just not there anymore. This go along with mid-morning and late afternoon snacks. It feels weird and something I’m having to get accustomed to.
I’ll get a 3d body scan today and see if I can share those results compared to one I did a few weeks ago.
Thanks - Daryl