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Scales are Diabolical! (week 6 progress report)

One of the key services we provide to our patients (for free) is regular and on-going 3D body scans, with our Styku Scanner. We do this because most people only have a scale at home to measure their progress - AND SCALES CAN BE DIABOLICAL :-)

This week 6 progress report is the perfect example - in my pics below you can see I only lost 1 pound for the week. Now anytime there's a loss, I'm happy, but hey I'm also human. It feels like I'm stalling when i was getting multiple pounds a week previously and this time only getting 1.

But I hopped onto the Styku scanner to get a more holistic view of what's going on. (I just grabbed a small subset of the available data, as there is so much you really have to be a nerd to want to dig through it :-))

The scanner shows that despite only losing a pound, I did lose inches - and I had sensed this as my favorite pair of Carthartt pants felt a little looser as I cinch up my belt. I can see that it wasn't in my head, the waist has lost some inches.

The other key part is that I can see my body fat% has gone down while my non-body fat% (muscle) has gone up. The scale only moved a 1lb, but I swapped some fat our for muscle (which makes sense given the extra walking I've been doing).

We provide a free body scan each month to our patients so they too can know their progress across many different viewpoints (weight, body fat, BMI, and of course their inches across the waists, chest, arms, legs and neck).

Celebrate the loss of body fat and inches confidently - even when that scale wants to make you think nothing very good has happened.

-Daryl Welsh - Pacific Northwest Medical Group Clinic Director

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