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Our Clinic Patients on Invisa-RED

Since announcing and offering our Invisa-RED machine treatments to our clients - we have been flooded with requests for appointments.

We remind all patients, that the best results come from a series of treatments, the best is a series of at least 3 treatments in a week, and back to back weeks.

The treatments will help reduce Fat in areas you need some help, BUT IT IS BEST USED WHEN YOU GET CLOSE TO OR AT YOUR GOAL WEIGHT.

We will work to share results from patients - and we'll show them for good or bad - so you can know that we are being transparent. LIke with our GLP1 medications, results will and can vary - and not everyone will see the same results.

But here is one recent patient who did a series of 6 treatments over the last few weeks.

Patient "TS" lost a total of 8.2 inches in the targeted areas around their mid-section. They also dropped 6.0lbs, and brought down their BodyFat% and BMI number.

Great work "TS" - you've done really well and we hope those six relaxing treatments were worth it!

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