The first week on medication went better than I expected. After stepping on the Ren Pho body composition scale, I was excited to see I was down to 246.2 a drop of 9.0lbs over the last seven days. Wow!
For me the most amazing thing was that I didn't necessarily feel like I was on a diet. I've done low-carb, intermittent fasting, and other programs in the past and have lost weight, but in all those previous programs, I was food 'safe' obsessed - you know in a constant state to ensure I didn't let a carb sneak in or was counting the clock, almost to the second, until I would hit my fasting window to then eat again.
On this medication, the 'noise' and obsession about food and eating just got quiet and faded into the background. Especially in the later part of the week, I would feel full after eating only a little bit and pushed the plate away. Most importantly - I didn't feel compelled to set that plate aside for '2nd lunch/dinner' which was a routine in the past.
Looking forward to seeing how week two goes!
Results captured below.