The body scans we do for our patients are an integral part of our program.
Unfortunately we have found about 8% of our patients are unable to get successful scans due to limitations with the Infared Laser that the Styku scanner uses.
It has been really stressing me out that some of our patients have not been able to get scans, so we have just invested in an entirely new system that will be able to accurately (even more accurately than before) scan all our patients.
We have been working with ShapeScale for weeks now getting behind the scenes scans of patients from their extensive database that are similar in shape/height and BMI levels similar to our patients who have had troubles.
We are told it will be delivered just after Thanksgiving and we should hopefully have it going by the first week of December.
3D Body Scans have been critical for my own journey and I know that it has greatly helped many of our patients who thought they were not progressing because the scale wasn't moving as fast as they had liked. But their scans showed inches come off, fat% coming down, etc. It reinforced their positive progress beyond just the scale.
Now with this new technology we will be able to bring 3D Body Scans to all our patients!